Newsletters 24.03 - Summer Term 2

Summer Term 2 is upon us and blimey, it is jam packed!
Plus we seem to have some sun too!
When I say jam packed, not so much with happenings with the Warriors but more so, things happening at work.

Therefore the Warriors (as usual at this time of year) is more just focused on the weekly sessions and just enjoying being there, rather than “what else can we do”.

Enjoy the weekly betterment of oneself - That sounds better.

It also means there are a few dates in which there isn’t any training, so please see the slides below for fees, training dates and non-training nights.
And make a note of them.

Lastly, as you can see, the Warriors are once again rather squished for 5 weeks due to the stage being up.
Training I can happily tailor in ways to suit the space - a touch more ground work and Okinawan style Karate will be in order.
One thing I can’t improve is the amount of seating for spectators, therefore you may find you have to drop and run or sit out in the car park (as we can’t take up the hallways due to the school staff needing access). Maybe this is a great chance for some of that “YOU TIME” for a few weeks. And this happens to connect beautifully to our Sensei’s thoughts section, which rounds off a relatively short newsletter, hurrah! Have a great term y’all!

Sensei’s thoughts…
A section you can happily skip - for an even shorter newsletter!

Being Present

Now, I am probably the worst person to be talking to you about this subject, as for those of you who know me will be laughing, as I am one of the worst people at being present and only thinking about the task or moment in hand. My mind is constantly thinking about other things, side questing, jumping like a monkey from tree to tree. Now I have tailored this to my advantage in ways, but it often derails me and makes me miss the moment until after.
So why would you listen about a subject from someone who is terrible at it?… Though you do this weekly in the dojo ;-)
Because if I can see the value in the comment I came across and act on it, then it gives us hope for everyone else!
I’ve been thinking about the subject of being “more present” lately and the social media gods or spying algorithms have obviously picked up on it, as a random quote from a page I don’t follow came up on my feed. This quote resinated with me, it is completely obvious, but we often look past the obvious! So it is a great reminder.
The ‘Magic’ behind childhood wasn’t because I was a child, it was because I was present.”
The take away for me, it wasn’t essentially what I was doing as a child that made it so fun and easy, it was that I was fully invested in to it at the time.
Obviosuly, as adults we can’t be completely care free as we have to understand that what we do now will affect the future and generally those around us, but we can remember that there are times within our week where we should ask ourselves the question of;
”Is this a moment I should be completely present in?”
If so, then we must put aside all other matters and commit to that moment, even if it is a selfish moment of time to ourselves, our hobby, bettering ourselves or even just a cuppa because this selfishness, in the long run, will benefit those it affects far greater, for the good that is, than the moment it takes away from them. Generally, if we allow ourselves pockets of time throughout the week, we will be far more willing and able to be present for the moments which matter!
These pockets do not need to be long, 2-5 minutes will help but they can be longer.
So remember, being present at important times (often the simple, small times) will be the greatest moment for others but also for our own mental health - we will feel refreshed. Plus, most of the time, the things we think we need to do, we often don’t - people don’t even notice us not doing them. Trust me, you don’t notice the things I forget to do all the time ;-)
For me, I have looked to be at the beach when I am at the beach and work when I am at work - If the thoughts were that important to be done, I wouldn’t be at the beach or I would someone nagging me.

So this term, look to be present!


 Newsletters 24.02 - Summer Term 1

The silly summer season is upon us! And another silly newsletter (yes I still do them) bring it on!
I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter break and that you are all ready to get back to training from those on the mats, to those doing the drop offs and pick ups and to those who sit and listen to me drone on (I’m never sure why you do, but you do. Well done to you!)
I am thankful that you do!

We have a couple of events coming up which may interest you, so read along.

Some new merch…

In the coming weeks we will have a few different items which would be perfect for training in, under the Gi or wearing down the beach on those hot summer evenings (let’s hope we have some.)

Firstly, we will have tee shirt versions of our Samurai and Viking hooides.

Second, we are in talks with getting a Viking style base layer (rashugaud) made for those interested, and further down the line we will look to do a Samurai version of this too.

Lastly a few people have asked, “Are you going to update the Zip up hoody to the new style?” The answer is,”Yes.” We will be doing this but only in the Viking design, as this is the only one which will work with the zip.

And don’t forget that our normal hoodies are still available to order. Just message to do so.

The base layers and tees will be a great item to wear during STRIKE, under your gi (save you wearing your school uniform) or even just generally out and about - especially if you like the John Danaher look.

Then our hoodies and zip up hoodies are awesome for over the Gi, pre-training or even as the sun goes down on those beach days - and I can’t find a better quality top for the price.
So don’t support those multi-million pound companies, support a local multi-tenner pound club which still makes you look cool ;-)

Keep a look out on social media for the launches!

May 4th

We have our summer competition day of judo fighting in the morning followed by karate kata in the afternoon at St Teath village hall (behind the church.)
I would always encourage students to step out of their comfort zone of the dojo training sessions and have a go at our club competitions, as they are a great way to focus your martial arts development by having a goal to achieve - which could just be the goal of taking part!
It is also a great opportunity for students to develop the skills needed to navigate themselves towards a stressful environment and then conduct themselves during that pressured environment.
As martial arts isn’t about trophies but developing the skills required to lead a happy and successful life. Hence this is a great opportunity!

Click here to jump to the sign up form.
I’ll have times of each division out at the end of the week, as I still think there’s a few to sign up.

If you are unsure if your child can or should enter, please just contact me or speak to me in the dojo and we can discuss.

£12 per warrior per competition
£10 Multi-Warrior families

Sunday 12th May Seminar

As you may have heard, on Sunday 12th May we have the legendary (I know you may not know him, but he is legendary in the grappling world) Raspberry Ape.
From representing Great Britain versus the USA in grappling, to taking part in the biggest BJJ competitions in the world to crazy acts of strength - Daniel Strauss (his real name) is a 3rd degree BJJ black belt under the also legendary Roger Gracie.
You may have heard of the Gracie family from the Jiu-Jitsu world, as the creators of BJJ and also storming things like UFC 1.
Daniel has competed with the best, been trained by the best but more importantly he is a fantastic teacher and a great person.
I’ve never held a seminar like this due to the cost but this time we went for it, therefore I do hope people take the chance to have a world class athlete on their doorstep!

As we are a predominately an under 18’s martial arts association I asked if he would do a kids seminar (which he doesn’t really do) and he gladly obliged, which is another great step in the Warriors Tribe.

If you are interested in the seminar please get in touch and we can discuss if it would be beneficial to yourself or your Warrior.

Kids 1hour session £10

16yrs+ seminar £40

A Monthly Moan!

Lets keep this going!

With the hotter weather coming in (hopefully I am not scaring it away with all this talk) can students please ensure they have a water bottle, with water or juice (nothing fizzy) in it, as this will save me becoming a barman during the drinks interval.
Students may find they sweat more, so ensure Gi’s and trining kits are cleaned in between sessions and that students don’t come in looking like Rabbles C. Nesbitt with a school uniform rammed in under their suit!

Thank you. See that wasn’t that bad.

Sensei’s thoughts…
A section you can happily skip

I’m Not A Black Belt, Nor A Samurai!

Now, before you panic and ask for your money back, hear me out.
Who is truly a black belt?
There isn’t “the test” which defines you as a black belt as every art, association, instructor has a different opinion of what they want to see from you. There’s requirements of techniques but no one oversees every black belt across an entire art that has ever existed.
This is something I’ve disused with some of you before, as I could go to a different karate or judo club and I may not meet their standards of a black belt, whereas at another I may exceed them.
More importantly, it is how I act.

This quote from Jiri Prochazka at UFC 300 resinated with me, as he lives a Samurai style lifestyle but he’s far from being a historical representation of a Samurai, but it is what inspires him to be better each day and he lives it in his own way; from his training, his mindset to his morals.

He walks as a Samurai despite not looking like one.

How can this help us?
It is less about what you have achieved nor what you once use to be, it is more where you put your energy now! This thought could bring you down or empower a comeback!

We can do this with our training by holding our standards, our etiquette and our effort to that of a grade far higher than our own, to that of a world class standard despite not having the belt around our waist - but ensure you hold yourself to the standards you wish, not that others wish upon you.

There are many higher grades, black belts or champions who are not remodels and there are many contenders who are, never see your ability as a reason to not lead the way you see fit.

Your inner power you may yet to embrace, or you may long for what you use to be - but you can only be the way you live now. It is all within the moment now, so don’t let past triumphs or failings way upon you to heavily - they are merely the lessons of which we move on from.

A Samurai is not about the sword, nor a champion about the belt!

Once again, sensational words or just pointless rambling - You decide!
See you in the dojo, Sensei Jack.


 Newsletters 24.01 - Spring Term 1

Well we are well and truly in to the eleventh month of January, but I think we are nearly through it.
Now I am not a “January Blues” person, but what is January for?
Is it a time of rest after a busy festive period? A chance to plan for the year ahead? To get back in to the swing? A time to reflect on the past year?
I am undecided, but one thing I do know.
It’s a chance to come back to those foundational elements of your art, to check in on them.
It is a time to clock in those hours under the dark skies that others won’t even set foot in.
And start building the momentum again, even on the days when you don’t notice any progress. As those are the days it is building under the surface at the deepest, most important level to bloom later on.
Now is a time to act, without expectation of seeing the result for a few months. As this is the real work for anything which is truly desired.

Wow, I was just suppose to say Happy New Year even though it is a tad late. But anyway…

As the quote says, we are developing those key skills at the moment, so our abilities can bloom later in the year. And you have really done that, it has been great seeing you all back and working on all aspects of martial arts.
Soon it will be time to get back to grading and competition work, but for now, keep strengthening those roots.

A Monthly Moan!

Ooooo, a new bit and with alliteration, this must be a good section!

Can students PLEASE not attend sessions with their school uniform underneath their training kit. I know we don’t have the most ideal changing rooms (the loo), and I get it is a little nippy at the moment. But please can we stop wearing clothes they have been wearing all day underneath their training kit.
Would you go to the gym with a pair of shorts and a tee shirt with a motivational saying on it like “Just Do It” with your work clothes rammed in underneath?
I hope not.
Firstly, it looks messy!
Second, its unhygienic!!!!

Wear a clean tee shirt, a base layer etc but not clothes from that day.
And heck, if they are cold before they start training get them to get on those mats and start doing some jogging, practise, burpies etc it won’t hurt them.

Also, all jewellery must be taken off and out, from material bracelets to necklaces etc.

Lastly, can those with long hair please tie it back as it offends my bald head, plus it gets caught up when training.

Thank you, but only if you do the above!

Sensei’s thoughts…
A section you can happily skip

have a go…hero?!

I have pockets of moments where I think, thats a good thought - I must write it down!
But most of the time, I don’t have a good thought!
I have flashes of inspiration, and feel I must act.
But most of the time, I don’t have any inspiration.
I have times of unequivocal motivation, where not even Rocky Balboa himself could stop me!
But most of the time, I’m just turning up to each day like anyone else.

I don’t rely on motivation, because sometimes I don’t want to make it to training or do what I know I need to do to better myself, but I remember all I have to do is show up.
One foot in front of the other and then when I start, the enjoyment of the art will wash over me once again and I will be delighted that I did all those steps to the “right here, right now” before!
But this is easily forgotten each time.

I think we believe that everyone around us has that thing that we don’t have. Nine times out of ten they don’t! We search for that “thing” that will change us; on social media, podcasts, in books, online courses, while chatting with friends.

But really those things above don’t happen regularly.
Yes, there will be a five second quote or a fabulous one liner which speaks a grand idea to us which in turn sparks a flame of determination.
But it isn’t the impressive act of sparking flint and stone which keeps the flame glowing longingly, it is kept a light by the mundane act of regularly adding pieces of word.
The pan can only boil above, from the simple act of fetching water.

We think that so many people we see have so much more than us, but they just make sure they do the mundane acts of chopping wood and carrying water daily.
They are no more motivated! There’s no epic photo nor a gallant way to do it.
It is the simple act of doing what needs to be done.

Most of us won’t have wood to chop, nor water to carry but we must find the simple steps that we can take daily.

Kaizen - good, change. Continuous improvement. As seen in the Kanji.

Being unstoppable isn’t beating everyone else but the simple act of not giving up, one foot forwards each time. Nor is it to continuously step forwards! There will be a backward step or two, a wobbly sideways one and even that step you take where you think you’ve already touched the floor and you are falling through the pavement like the Vicar of Dibley.
But as long as there are more steps froward than any other way, you are making progress!

I hate to sound all heroic because I am really not some “Have a go Hero”, I love the idea of it but that just ain’t me! I’ll leave that to the John Wick’s of this world, but find your Kaizen.

I don’t rely on motivation, I just show up!

Hopefully that was pretentious enough for my newsletter, see you in the dojo!
Sensei Jack.